Mama, no one told you it would be like this and I am so sorry for that.
We spend a TON of time preparing for pregnancy and birth, and not enough for the rollercoaster of postpartum. Please know you are not alone in feeling the way you do, and you don’t have to figure it out on your own.
Together, we will navigate your individual journey through motherhood — calming the storm, fostering resilience, and developing self-compassion as we go. My goal: For you to know that you ARE a good enough mom, and you ARE the right mom for your baby. There is no right way to be a mom, but it is important to find YOUR WAY of being a mom.
Well hi there! My name is Lauren. I’m a mom of two little girls, and they + my own motherhood journey are the reason I love working with moms.
My first daughter was born in 2021 (hello pandemic baby!) and I remember being shocked at how ill-prepared I was for postpartum despite how prepared I felt during my pregnancy. I felt shattered, lost to myself, pulled in a million directions. I was so in love with my baby, and eager to hide away from everyone and never be found.
Over time, I began to find my footing and root into my new identity as a mother and adjust to the ways it colored all parts of my world. That experience gave me a love and appreciation for matrescence: the process of becoming a mother.
I am a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist and I serve pregnant and new mothers living in California through virtual telehealth therapy and in-person group therapy. I support millennial moms across all stages of their motherhood journey — from the first pregnancy test to the first thought of “WTF did I get myself into?” and beyond. I work with moms individually and in group therapy settings, as well as together with their partners in couples therapy.
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